Semiconductor : It is nothing but partially conducting the electricity is nothing but Semiconductor.
- Semiconductors are classified into two types
- Intrinsic Semiconductor
- Extrinsic Semiconductor
- Purist form of the Material is nothing but Intrinsic Semiconductors
- Impurities are added to conduct the electricity is called Extrinsic Semiconductor
- Types of Extrinsic semiconductors are divided into two types
- P type semiconductor
- N type semiconductor
- P type Semiconductor : Trivalent impurities are added to the tetra valence material is called as P type Semiconductors ((4th group element)Si+(3rd group element)Boron
- N type semiconductor : Penta valent impurities are added to the tetra valence material is called as N type Semiconductors ((4th group element)Si+(5th group element)Phosphorous