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Friday, December 16, 2022

How to convert Nand gate to Inverter

 NAND Gate:

If both the inputs A and B are same output Y becomes 0 otherwise 1

Truth table of NAND Gate

A     B    Y

0      0     1

0      1     1

1      0     1

1      1     0

Inverter gate 

The output of the gate is reciprocal to the input of the gate is called inversion 


If you provide the input as 1 the output gone be 0
if you provide the input as 0 the output becomes 1

If  you connect the both inputs  A and B , the output becomes inversion of the input, Mentioned both the inputs A and B which are shorted. so it acts a single input to the NAND gate and it will give the inversion of the input

A   B  Y

0    0   1

1    1   0

How to covert XOR gate to Buffer

 XOR gate:

When both the inputs are different the output becomes one (1), otherwise output becomes zero 


Buffer is used for increasing the signal strength which means it acts as a repeater -the output is same as input

If we connect anyone of the input of the XOR gate is connected to the ground , remaining input what ever the input we given to that gate will get the same output.

Consider input B pin is connected to the ground means 0 , if we provide input to the A pin  XOR gate output pin Y we should get the same (Y=A)

A   B   Y

0    0     0

1    0     1

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