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Friday, April 23, 2021

Script for design to list the cellls and its count

dbGet commands  


set instances_name [dbGet]

set instances_count [llength $instances_name]

set sequential_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.IsSequential 1].name]

set sequential_count [llength $sequential_cells]

set buffers [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isBuffer 1].name]

set buffers_count [llength $buffers]

set Power_switch_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isPowerSwitch  1].name]

set Power_switch_count [llength $Power_switch_cells]

set inverter_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isInverter  1].name]

set inverter_count [llength $inverter_cells]

set level_shifter_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isLevelShifter 1].name]

set level_shifter_count [llength $level_shifter_cells]

set retention_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isRetention  1].name]

set retention_count [llength $retention_cells]

set isolation_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.isIsolationCell  1].name]

set isolation_count [llength $isolation_cells]

set physical_cells [dbGet [dbGet -p top.insts.isPhysOnly 1].name]

set physical_cells_count [llength $physical_cells]

puts "total instances list is :$instances_name"

puts "Total sequential cells list is: $sequential_cells"

puts $isolation_cells

puts $Power_switch_cells

puts $buffers

puts $inverter_cells

puts $level_shifter_cells

puts $retention_cells

puts $physical_cells

puts "total instances count in the design is : $instances_count"

puts "Total sequential cells count is :$sequential_count"

puts "Total Buffer cells count is:$buffers_count"

puts "Total power switch cells count is:$Power_switch_count"

puts "Total inverter cells count is:$inverter_count"

puts "Total level shifter cells count is:$level_shifter_count"

puts "Total retention cells count is:$retention_count"

puts "Total isolation cells count is:$isolation_count"

puts "Total Physical_Cells is : $physical_cells_count"

set combo_cells_count [expr $instances_count - $sequential_count - $buffers_count - $Power_switch_count - $inverter_count - $level_shifter_count - $retention_count - $isolation_count - $physical_cells_count]

puts "combinational cells count is : $combo_cells_count"

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