1).What is core utilization?
- It
is the ratio of (std cell area + macro area + blockage area) / total area
- Get_utilization
2).What is cell utilization?
- It
is the ratio of std cell area/ total area allocated to standard cells
3).What is gate count?
- Gate
count is 3 to 4 times of instance count.
- Total place-able instance area / 2 input NAND gate area in .lib
- Report_qor
- Check_physical_design -design_statistics
4).What is aspect ratio?
- It
is the ratio of vertical routing resources to the horizontal routing resources.
5).What is a channel?
- It
is the minimum spacing required between two macros or between macros and
6).How do you calculate
the channel width?
- Based
on the fly-line analysis we will able to know the no. of signals passing
through the channel and suppose “21” signals are passing than “21” metal routes
are required.So
if the signals are need to be routed vertically than we divide the no of routes
by no of vertical layers. Suppose no of vertical layers is “3”.
- On
each metal layer 7 track are needed so the width of channel should be equal to
7 tracks.
7).How do you measure the
no. of signals passing through a channel?
- Through
the fly-line analysis
8).How do you calculate
the metal routes that can be passed through a channel?
- The
no of metal routes required is equal to the no of signal passing through the
9).Guidelines for general
macro placement?
- If two
communicating macros placed close to each another and if all the pins of both
the macros are connected to each other than there is no need of spacing but if
some pins are connecting with the core logic than we need to provide some spacing
so that from the pin route should come and connect to the logic.
- So minimum
spacing required between the 2 macros or boundary and macro is called as the
10).What is Grid?
Different kinds of Grid?
- Grids
can be of manufacturing grid, placement grid and routing grid. The minimum
metal length that can be manufactured is called manufacturing grid.
- Placement grid
is nothing but one SITE whose height is equal to the STD cell height and width
is multiple of M2 pitch and all the cells are placed according to this grid.
During routing tool divides entire area into small square boxes and assigns
horizontal and vertical tracks to it and route according to these routing
11). what is core area?
- The
area in which standard cells, memories, blockages, power mesh, routing of nets
are present we call it as core area
12) What do you mean ny a
9Track Cells?
- If
there are 9 parallel routing tracks are present in a cell than we call it as 9
track cells.
13).Typical Metal layers
used in Macro?
- Generally
M1 to M4 metal layers are used by macro